Crescent Moon Park at Cathedral Rock, Sedona, AZ 2007 © Keith Gaines

   Beyond self help to Self-Honesty.

For our Love Your Life! blog,



About Tara...


Profession: Root Cause Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Life Coach.

Tara Dillinger was born with special abilities meaning she always felt what others around her felt. Even at age three Tara was aware that people were suffering around her and she wanted to help. By her 20s, Tara became aware that she could pick up suppressed subconscious feelings and emotions from people.

In the late 70’s, Tara became involved in spiritual groups and after 15 years of intensive training in Sri Ramana Maharshi's Self-Inquiry meditation technique, she then moved on to apply spiritual principles in the corporate environment, within which she had great success.

After her success in the corporate world, Tara then received a MHt in Root Cause Hypnotherapy and received Reiki Training straight through to the Master Teacher level. In addition to this training, Tara applies her unique abilities in her work with her clients. Tara accesses universal intelligence which is aware of everything yet is specific to the person or situation, in which she perceives what is needed which could otherwise be overlooked. Working from a base of Self-Honesty in herself and with her clients, she shows her clients how to access their own innate Self-Honesty and use this as their own built-in guidance system from which to live life from.

She works with clients all over the world, assisting them with facing and releasing patterns, fears and subconscious/unconscious beliefs and concepts that influence every aspect of their lives, which, without her assistance they would not be able to access and clear.



To find out more information about services currently offered, see the Services page.



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Copyright © 2007 Love Your Life Completely.  Last modified: 04/01/09